Get Involved
Feeling connected to a vibrant community of people who care about each other and about those in need is a wonderful way to share one’s journey through life. At the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul you can get involved in a multitude of ways in order to create those personal connections that could last for a lifetime.
- Usher during a worship service or a concert
- Sing in the choir
- Teach Sunday School
- Cook or serve for a reception, luncheon, meeting, etc.
- Host coffee and conversation
- Decorate the church
- Collect content for our website, social media or InsideOut magazine
- Take photographs
- Organize our archives
- Help with the spring and fall cleanups in the Quiet Garden and at the Manse
- Play badminton
- Learn Scottish dancing
- Join a committee or the Guild
We look forward to welcoming you to our community.
As you can imagine volunteer participation is key to sustaining the many events and activities within our congregation. We are always seeking people with expertise in areas such as building management, archiving, teaching, singing, knitting, accounting, law, photography, communication and many other skills. We also need volunteers to be ushers, tour guides, to make sandwiches and squares for receptions, and many other duties.
Upcoming Meetings
Mission & Outreach Committee
Through the love of God as manifested in Jesus Christ and as guided by the gospels, we strive to support those in need in our community at local, national and international levels by offering our time, skills and resources. Learn more about the activities of this committee at Give Back or email us at Committee
The Ministry Committee oversees and develops programs and events and provides Christian educational services to meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of the congregation. Learn more about these programs, events and services at Children and Youth or email us at and Music Committee
The Worship and Music Committee focuses on the congregational and public worship of The Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul. It sees that the face, manner and content of worship at the Church reflects the doctrines of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and the traditions, standards of excellence and policies of our church. Learn more about these activities at Worship with Us and Music or email us at or
Leading With Care Committee
Leading with Care is a policy for ensuring a climate of safety in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The LWC committee is responsible, on behalf of the congregation, for seeing that the policy is put into practice with integrity and consistency. Learn more about this policy at Leading with Care or email us at or
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee manages the church’s website, social media, InsideOut magazine, online broadcasts and recordings, banners, signs, brochures and many other aspects of promoting our worship services, events and activities. To get involved with the work of this committee, email us at Committee
The Stewardship Mission at The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul is to help the congregation and individuals discover how they can use their time, talent, goods, energy and money to participate in the fulfillment of God's mission. For more information, see Stewardship.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of our Ministers, the Clerk and representatives of The Board of Trustees, the head of the executive of the Guild and the chairs of the Mission & Outreach, Music and Worship, Ministry, Leading with Care and Communications Committees. This committee reviews committee activities, co-ordinates events and activities as needed, bring matters considered to be for the overall benefit of the congregation forward to Session, acts as a sounding board for concerns presented by committees and members, fosters co-operation and consensus amongst the committees and Church entities and co-ordinates the Annual General Meeting.Green Church Committee
The Green Church Committee of The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul roots its activities in God’s request to humanity to be responsible stewards of our earth and its environment. This includes the knowledge of our Church’s ecological footprint and to keep it as low as possible. Further we want to sharpen the congregation’s awareness of the topic through our communication by newsletter, lunch and learn and liturgy, and by offering tools to act both as a joint community and at the individual level.
We meet on a regular basis to establish an annual action plan and budget, to be approved by the Church Session.
The Guild

Mandate of the Guild
The Guild is an active and essential arm of the church. All members and adherents of the congregation are members of the Guild. The Guild has an executive committee that holds a monthly planning meeting. We always welcome members of the congregation who are interested in our work.
The purpose of the Guild is to unite the congregation by offering programs of fellowship and services to others in the church and beyond.
History of the Guild
The Guild was established in 1934 with the purpose of uniting all the women’s groups in the church. The aim was to create a single organization which could make one joint appeal to the congregation for raising funds for church projects.
The first fundraiser was a Spring Carnival in April 1935 which raised over $5000 in the middle of the Great Depression.
Guild Activities
The Guild organizes meaningful church socials such as:
- Fall Fair
- Welcome Back Reception
- Session & Trustees Dinner
- Advent Lunches
- Christmas Family Reception
- Lenten Lunches
- New Members Reception
- Guild Spring Luncheon and Annual General Meeting
- Presbyterian College Convocation Reception
The Guild also decorates the church for weekly services and special holidays, attends to shut-ins with flowers and cards, manages the Narthex visitor’s book and provides funds for the Church School pageant.
Our many volunteers are our greatest asset. We always welcome new ideas and new members. To volunteer or learn more, email us at
Upcoming Guild Events
This section contains a number of forms and resources to support various church activities. For other materials and inquiries, please contact the church office.
- All PCC Safety Policies: videos and reviews
- A&P Harassment Protocols and Procedures
- Badminton
- Covenant of Care
- Harrassment Policy and Review
- Incident Report
- Leading With Care Pamphlet
- Leading With Care Full Policy [PCC website]
- Leading With Care Policy (Video) and Leading With Care Policy Review Form
- Leading with Care Online
- PCC policy and procedures for addressing Harassment
- Privacy Policy Compliance Manual
- Reference Checks
- Revised Harassment Protocol flow chart
- Risk Assessment- Individuals
- Risk Assessment - Programs and Special Events
- Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harrassment Policy
- Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harrassment Training Video
- Activity Program Waiver and Medical Release