Visit Us
We welcome visitors to our church every week and would be very happy to meet you too. In order to help you plan your visit, we have provided detailed information below.
Location & Sunday Worship Time
The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul is located on Sherbrooke Street West beside the Museum of Fine Arts, at the corner of Redpath Street, two blocks east of Guy/Cote des Neiges. Our Sunday Worship Services start at 11:00 a.m. EST

Church School (Sunday School) & Nursery
While parents attend the worship service, Church School classes are available for children from Nursery through High School. There is also a supervised Crèche (Nursery) for babies up to 24 months. Parents who wish to remain with their small child(ren) can watch a live broadcast of the service on a monitor in the Crèche. To be directed to the Church School, speak to one of the ushers in the Narthex (front entrance) of the church.
What to Expect When You Arrive For a Worship Service
The church bell rings at 10:45 a.m. signaling that the worship service will start in 15 minutes. Ushers welcome you in the Narthex (front entrance) and provide you with a small booklet called a bulletin which contains the Order of Service (the arrangement of the various parts of the service) as well as announcements for upcoming church services, events and activities. The 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service is meant for personal prayer and meditation.
Choose any available seat among the comfortable padded pews in the Sanctuary (where we gather for worship) and open a blue hymnal, which you will find in the slot in front of you, to the first hymn. The hymn numbers for that service are listed in the Order of Service and on the signs posted on the walls around you.
The service lasts approximately 1 hour and begins with the entrance of the choir and ministers and ends with the sermon and closing benediction (blessing). We stand to sing and we remain seated for prayer.
You will find envelopes in the pews which you can use for your offering. No set amount is requested, just give what you feel in your heart.
We also celebrate Communion 6 times per year at which time bread and wine are distributed to the congregation. All are welcome to participate.
After the service, an informal gathering called Coffee and Conversation offers you an opportunity to meet members of the congregation while you enjoy a cup of coffee.

Large print bulletins and copies of the sermon are available for anyone who needs them. In addition, an usher can help you find your place if you have limited mobility or use a wheelchair.
Worship Service Live Broadcast and Recordings
The service is recorded from the Gallery (balcony in the back of the church) and broadcast live each Sunday. If you wish to experience our service online in advance of your visit, you can watch the live broadcast at 11 a.m. EST any Sunday morning or view one of the many recordings of past services anytime.

Open Church
Our church is open for visitors who wish to have a time of prayer and quiet meditation, or to stroll through the church. Visitors can also participate in tours which feature the history and architecture of the building and the significant works of art that it contains presented in the context of a vibrant congregation offering a place of worship and refuge in the midst of a busy city.
Summer hours: July and August, Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Yearly hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Other Events and Activities
You are welcome to participate in any of our events and activities. By browsing our church calendar, you will find dates, times and descriptions of concerts, bible study groups, youth activities, special services, etc. You can also see upcoming events on the Home Page of this website. The video in this section captures a year in the life of our congregation. We hope that you will watch the video and come out to meet us.