Worship With Us
We gather in worship every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. EST. The Church Calendar unfolds through the year, from the joy of Christ's birth at Christmas through the sorrow of Good Friday and the triumphant Easter resurrection. The Calendar also reflects the tempo of modern city life with its recurring opportunities for reflection and service. Plan to attend. You will always find a warm welcome.
Special Services
Holy Communion
Six times a year, we celebrate Holy Communion in the sanctuary of our church. These are World Communion Sunday, Advent I, Lent I, Easter, the Last Sunday in May and Maundy Thursday. The weeks following our Sunday morning communion services we hold a smaller celebration of Holy Communion in the chapel of the sanctuary following the regular 11:00 a.m. EST service. For details, please click on the events below or browse the calendar.
Christmas and Advent
Christmas is the most joyous time of the year, and The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul invites you to share in the worship, music and anticipation of the great gift of Christ's birth.
Please join us for the many opportunities to worship during this busy season of the year: Advent Worship Service 1, Children’s Pageant, Advent Chapel Service 1, Advent Worship Service 2, White Gifts Sunday, CBC Sing-In, Advent Chapel Service 2, The Longest Night Service, Family Christmas Service & Reception, Advent Worship Service 3, Carols by Candlelight, Advent Chapel Service 3, Advent Worship Service 4, Christmas Eve Family Service, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. For details, please click on the events below or browse the calendar.
Easter and Lent
The season of Lent is a time for reflection and meditation on the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made for the world. His death for our sins and His rising again for our new life shape this season, which begins with sober reflection and culminates in the joyous celebration of the Resurrection.
We invite you to share the observance of Lent and Easter with us at The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul. Lenten Chapel Services are held every Thursday from Feb 15th to Mar 22nd, as well as Lenten Lunches, Palm Sunday Worship Service, Maundy Communion Worship Service, Good Friday Morning Worship Service, Good Friday Choral Service, Easter Morning SONrise Service, and Easter Sunday Communion Worship Service. For details, please click on the events below or browse the calendar.
Taizé Services
Join us for our Taizé Services – every third Wednesday of the month from September to June. In the midst of our hectic lives, many people long for the peace and refreshment that only God can give. Our Taizé Service of Prayer, Contemplation, and Song offers the chance to gather quietly in meditative common prayer using the beautiful and simple songs of the Taizé Community in France. Serene and uplifting, the music of Taizé helps us to deepen our sense of prayer and of God’s presence.
Family Milestones: Baptisms,
Weddings & Funerals
The members of our church family are families of all ages who witness God’s grace at those important moments of life – the celebration of weddings and baptisms and the search for strength at times of grieving during funerals. If you would like more information for your family milestones, please contact us at info@standrewstpaul.com.

Other Special Occasions
The following are among the many special services that take place during our Church year: Celebration Sunday Worship Service and Reception, Heritage Sunday Flags Parade and Taste of the Nations Buffet, Black Watch Parade and Worship Service, Healing and Reconciliation Sunday, Mother’s Day Breakfast & Worship Service, Church School Celebration, Luncheon Honoring Fathers, Welcome Back Sunday Worship and Reception, World Communion Worship Service, Thanksgiving Sunday Worship Service, All Saints Reformation Worship Service, Reformation 500th Commemorative Service, Remembrance Day Worship Service, St Andrew’s Sunday Worship Service, and the reception of new members. For details, please click on the events below or browse the calendar.