Welcome! Bienvenue!


    "Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you.
    As the Father has sent me, even so I send you."
    - John 20:21

    Upcoming Events

    25mar6:00 pm7:30 pmFrench Conversation Table6:00 pm - 7:30 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    27mar5:30 pm6:00 pmLenten Chapel Service IV5:30 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    30mar11:00 am12:00 pmSunday Worship Service, March 30th, 11:00 a.m.11:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    30mar12:30 pm2:00 pmAnnual General Meeting12:30 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    03apr5:30 pm6:00 pmLenten Chapel Service V5:30 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    06apr12:00 pm1:00 pmLunch and Learn12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    10apr5:30 pm6:00 pmLenten Chapel Service VI5:30 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    18apr7:30 pm9:30 pmGood Friday Concert: J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor, BWV 2327:30 pm - 9:30 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time

    Sunday Worship Services

    All are welcome to attend our services in person, or if you can’t travel to our location, we invite you to watch the live broadcast at 11 a.m. EST any Sunday morning here on our website. We also have an archive of past recordings that are available online.

    This Week's Live Broadcast

    Click below at the start of the worship service to watch the live broadcast.

    Special Services

    Click below to view recent and upcoming worship service events.

    Weekly Events
    Scottish Country Dancing

    Scottish Country Dancing is back on Tuesdays in Kildonan Hall from 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., with beginners dancing until 8:30 p.m. and more advanced dancers continuing until 9:00 p.m. Now is a great time for beginners to join the class because we'll be focusing on easy dances and reviewing figures and footwork for the first few classes. The cost is now $10 cash at the door or $5 for those who join the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, and we're now dancing to live piano music. No partner or special dress required. Please wear soft-soled shoes or sneakers.

    Contact Katie Wood for any questions: katiemkwood@gmail.com



    Badminton is held on Mondays from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in Kildonan Hall. Join us for great exercise, fun and fellowship. No experience is necessary. Please bring your sneakers and a bottle of water. All other equipment will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Margarita via email at sportsapchurch@gmail.com

    Inside Out Fall 2024!

    A new edition of InsideOut is finally here, and we're so excited to share it with you!

    Thank you to everyone who helped out – all of our fabulous writers, and to our editors, Yilin Chen and Miranda Huybers, and Sandy Steadman for all her help!

    Would you like to get involved in writing an article in a future edition of Inside Out? Please contact our office at (514) 842-3431 or email info@standrewstpaul.com


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    This Sunday, we are delighted to welcome Elizabeth Cumming, daughter of Michelle Samson and Patrick Cumming, into our family of faith through the celebration of baptism. As we take on the responsibility of nurturing her in faith, we will reflect on the parable of the fig tree and explore what happens when God serves as the gardener, tending to and nurturing a vineyard.

    Sermon by The Rev. Susan Brasier, "Invitation to change"

    Link to the live service on YouTube: buff.ly/ZJX3r5D
    ... See MoreSee Less

    This Sunday, we are delighted to welcome Elizabeth Cumming, daughter of Michelle Samson and Patrick Cumming, into our family of faith through the celebration of baptism. As we take on the responsibility of nurturing her in faith, we will reflect on the parable of the fig tree and explore what happens when God serves as the gardener, tending to and nurturing a vineyard. 

Sermon by The Rev. Susan Brasier, Invitation to change

Link to the live service on YouTube: https://buff.ly/ZJX3r5D

    We invite you to join us for our Lenten Chapel services every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. throughout the season of Lent! Featuring special guests:

    March 20th with Jenna Smith
    March 27th with Dr. Glenn Smith
    April 3rd with Dr. Richard Bernier
    April 10th with Prof. Gerbern Oegema
    ... See MoreSee Less

    We invite you to join us for our Lenten Chapel services every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. throughout the season of Lent! Featuring special guests:

March 20th with Jenna Smith
March 27th with Dr. Glenn Smith
April 3rd with Dr. Richard Bernier
April 10th with Prof. Gerbern OegemaImage attachment

    In this week’s scripture, Jesus calls the ancient ruler, Herod Antipas, a predatory fox while comparing God to a protective mother hen. In a world filled with pitfalls and perils, God still longs to provide shelter for us under her wings. As we continue our Lenten journey towards Easter, so we continue to journey with Jesus towards Jerusalem.

    Sermon by The Rev. Susan Brasier, "Today, tomorrow, and the next day"

    Watch the live service on YouTube: buff.ly/sWq1MSg
    ... See MoreSee Less

    In this week’s scripture, Jesus calls the ancient ruler, Herod Antipas, a predatory fox while comparing God to a protective mother hen. In a world filled with pitfalls and perils, God still longs to provide shelter for us under her wings. As we continue our Lenten journey towards Easter, so we continue to journey with Jesus towards Jerusalem.

Sermon by The Rev. Susan Brasier, Today, tomorrow, and the next day

Watch the live service on YouTube: https://buff.ly/sWq1MSg

    In the midst of our hectic lives, many people long for the peace and refreshment that only God can give. Our Taizé Service offers the chance to gather quietly in meditative common prayer using the beautiful and simple songs of the Taizé community in France. Serene and uplifting, the music of Taizé helps us to deepen our sense of prayer and of God’s presence. On Wednesday, March 19th, at 6:00 p.m., all are welcome to this quiet and simple service. ... See MoreSee Less

    In the midst of our hectic lives, many people long for the peace and refreshment that only God can give. Our Taizé Service offers the chance to gather quietly in meditative common prayer using the beautiful and simple songs of the Taizé community in France. Serene and uplifting, the music of Taizé helps us to deepen our sense of prayer and of God’s presence. On Wednesday, March 19th, at 6:00 p.m., all are welcome to this quiet and simple service.

    We invite you to join us for our Lenten Chapel services every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. throughout the season of Lent! featuring special guests:

    March 13th with Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries
    March 20th with Jenna Smith
    March 27th with Dr. Glenn Smith
    April 3rd with Dr. Richard Bernier
    April 10th with Prof. Gerbern Oegema
    ... See MoreSee Less

    We invite you to join us for our Lenten Chapel services every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. throughout the season of Lent! featuring special guests:

March 13th with Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries
March 20th with Jenna Smith 
March 27th with Dr. Glenn Smith
April 3rd with Dr. Richard Bernier
April 10th with Prof. Gerbern Oegema
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